Ultimately, the responsibility for keeping abreast of the regulations lies with the drivers/entrants and we would urge EVERYONE to be familiar with the Motorsport UK Yearbookand also their websiteto ensure they stay up-to-date with all the latest regulations.

Thanks to Robert Sergeant for the great photographs.
Round 4 of the UKC Championship will be held on July 6th. You can enter online here.

Thanks to Jim McGann of JM Photography for the excellent photograph.
Don't forget, Round 2 will be held on April 13th, so get you entries in now. You can enter online here.

With the 2019 season rapidly approaching the UKC committee has been working tirelessly to put everything in place for what hopefully will be another fantastic season.
Following on from our very successful awards evening with NIKA at the Tullyglass Hotel both UKC and NIKA will be hosting a stand at the Motorbike Show at the Eikon Centre. There will be a full array of karts on show to help promote our sport.
We have finalised our race dates for UKC and we are currently compil ing a complete race calendar including all NIKA kart dates for 2019.
23RD MARCH - Ulster Championship R1 All classes
13TH APRIL - Ulster Championship R2 All classes
4TH MAY - Ulster Championship R3 All classes
1ST JUNE - NI Kart Championship R4/R5 All classes
23RD JUNE - Motorsport Ireland Round
6TH JULY - Ulster Championship R4 All classes
3RD AUGUST - Ulster Championship R5 All classes
24TH + 25TH August - Irish Kart Grand Prix All classes
14TH SEPTEMBER - NI Kart Championship R6/R8 All classes
5TH OCTOBER - Ulster Championship Final Round