Blog Post

Honda Cadet Changes

  • by Chris Kelly
  • 17 Jan, 2020

Don't Get Caught Out By Recently Updated Regulations!

The Honda Cadet class is often the point of entry into karting for many young drivers and their mechanics. To help such newcomers avoid the pitfall of new regulations, we would like to highlight the most recent changes for this class. See the image above for latest guidance.
Ultimately, the responsibility for keeping abreast of the regulations lies with the drivers/entrants and we would urge EVERYONE to be familiar with the Motorsport UK Yearbook and also their website to ensure they stay up-to-date with all the latest regulations.
by Chris Kelly 17 March 2020

You will all be aware that the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic has been having a dramatic impact on everyday life and sporting events have been especially negatively affected. Given the escalating precautions that are announced on a daily basis, it will come as no surprise that Motorsport UK have announced that all events will now be suspended until at least the end of April. We will continue to update you as and when new information or guidance is released. In the meantime, we would urge you to follow the well publicised advice from the Government to protect yourselves and those around you from contracting the virus.

The statement from Motorsport UK is below.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

It is with regret that Motorsport UK is suspending all organising permits and Certificates of Exemption until at least 30th April 2020. This suspension follows the latest guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. This position will be constantly reviewed given prevailing information.

As the National Governing Body, we would ask all Motorsport UK members to act responsibly and follow the Government’s guidance during this difficult time.

We thank all of our members, organisers, officials, volunteers, staff and their families for their support during these unprecedented times. We will continue to monitor the situation and will resume sporting activity as soon as we are able. We also have a responsibility and duty of care to our staff who will be working from home, so please be patient with any queries you may have.

David Richards, chairman of Motorsport UK, explained,  “Clearly we live in challenging times and exceptional measures are required. The decision to suspend Motorsport UK permits on a temporary basis is not one that was taken lightly as the industry employs many thousands of people. However we have an over-riding responsibility to our members and the friends and families of our community. Furthermore, our social responsibilities extend to the broader population and the potential drain on valuable public health resources on which we are all reliant.

“The situation is very fluid and we will continue to monitor developments over the coming weeks and hope that we can resume the annual motorsport calendar at the opportune moment. In the immediate short term our efforts need to be focused on ensuring that the industry that backs up the sport has the financial support that it requires from the Government in order that it can be sustained beyond this extraordinary scenario.”

by Chris Kelly 17 January 2020
UKC is delighted to get the season off to an early start with a Winter Race on February 1st at Nutts Corner Circuit. This is a great opportunity to blow away the cobwebs and get you and your kart ready for the UKC Championship which starts on April 18th. You can enter online here.
by Chris Kelly 7 June 2019
A selection of pictures from Round 3 of the 2019 NIKA Championship are now available to view on the gallery page
Thanks to Robert Sergeant for the great photographs.
Round 4 of the UKC Championship will be held on July 6th. You can enter online here.

by Chris Kelly 24 March 2019
A selection of pictures from Round 1 of the 2019 UKC Championship are now available to view on the gallery page
Thanks to Jim McGann of JM Photography  for the excellent photograph.
Don't forget, Round 2 will be held on April 13th, so get you entries in now. You can enter online here.

by Chris Kelly 4 March 2019
Could all parents/guardians of drivers intending to compete in the Mini Max class this season please register by sending an email to
Thank you.
by UKC 7 February 2019

With the 2019 season rapidly approaching the UKC committee has been working tirelessly to put everything in place for what hopefully will be another fantastic season.
Following on from our very successful awards evening with NIKA at the Tullyglass Hotel both UKC and NIKA will be hosting a stand at the Motorbike Show at the Eikon Centre. There will be a full array of karts on show to help promote our sport.  

We have finalised our race dates for UKC and we are currently compil ing a complete race calendar including all NIKA kart dates for 2019.


23RD MARCH - Ulster Championship R1 All classes
13TH APRIL - Ulster Championship R2 All classes
4TH MAY - Ulster Championship R3 All classes
1ST JUNE - NI Kart Championship R4/R5 All classes
23RD JUNE - Motorsport Ireland Round  
6TH JULY - Ulster Championship R4 All classes
3RD AUGUST - Ulster Championship R5 All classes
24TH + 25TH August - Irish Kart Grand Prix All classes
14TH SEPTEMBER - NI Kart Championship R6/R8 All classes
5TH OCTOBER - Ulster Championship Final Round

by UKC 1 November 2018
This is a new venue for us and with your support, the Tullyglass Hotel and the Christmas atmosphere we hope this will be a fantastic night for all.We have a special guest speaker in BTCC race winner Chris Smiley. Chris started in karting with us and has progressed rapidly through to the top ranks of BTCC.There will be awards for all categories and we look forward to seeing you there.Tickets will be available to purchase from Bishopscourt this Saturday or our last race at Nutts Corner on Saturday 6th October.You can also purchase them from;Francis Conlon - Tel 07801238841 - email   francisconlon@btinternet.comRichard   Dewart - Tel 07767656619 - email   rdewartwsc@gmail.comPaul   Fullerton - Tel 07785518131 - email   pt.fullerton@gmail.comStephen   Tosh - Tel 07718876385 - email   stephentsh@aol.comTicket   prices £38 Adult and £16 Child 12 & under. Any dietary requirements must be advised when purchasing tickets.
by UKC 1 July 2018
MIKA Round 3
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